
Saint-Emilion & Pomerol

Location & characteristics

The Eastern Libourne area covers 12,500 ha of vines across 8 appellations. This area is ideal for a climatic study because it has a natural diversity of environmental parameters.

A network of 90 temperature sensors has been established across this area, which record minimal and maximal hourly temperatures. Each sensor has been positioned taking into account environmental parameters which have an influence on temperature at the local scale including topography (altitude, exposure, slope), urban areas, rivers, soil types, latitude and longitude.

The aims of the project are:

  • Produce fine scale maps of microclimate variability in this area.
  • Measure the effect of temperature on vine development and wine quality by monitoring phenological stages and grape maturation dynamics.
  • Model the occurrence of flowering and veraison.
  • Better predict the consequences of climate change on vine development for a better adaptation of viticultural practices and plant material.



Find out the latest results here


Demonstration site manager


Kees van Leeuwen

Kees van Leeuwen

Professor of viticulture

INRA Bordeaux

Laure de Rességuier

Laure de Rességuier

Ingénieur d’études en viticulture
Bordeaux Sciences Agro

Théo Petitjean

Théo Petitjean

Ingénieur d’études en viticulture
Bordeaux Sciences Agro

Saint-Emilion and Pomerol Workshop


Check out the summary of the day and download the presentations here

Notice board of Bordeaux