Management activities


The major purpose of the management actions is the co-ordination of project activities; the communication between partners; the monitoring and evaluation of the project’s progress; the relationd with the external monitoring team and the European Commission; and the external representation of the project.

Through the Management Team, CNRS and UR2 will respectively ensure the scientific coordination and the administrative-financial coordination, in association with each actions leader. The Steering Committee, composed of one representative per partner, has the authority to make decisions concerning the project’s major management issues. The Advisory Board (external experts selected by projects partners), advises the Project Steering Committee with regard to key technical directions and supports the project with regards to disseminating the results.

The communication within the consortium is ensured by regular project meetings (face-to-face and via videoconference), all reported in minutes validated by all participants; internal mailing lists for the day-to-day interactions; and an internal system of documents and pooled knowledge.

A strong priority of the LIFE ADVICLIM project, the quality assurance aims to ensure good progress and the achievement of the expected results. The deliverables and milestones table, with the LIFE ADVICLIM timeline, is useful for measuring the timely completion of the project. Periodic reports (internal to the consortium and external with the European Commission and the External Monitoring team) will help to measure the financial, administrative and scientific progress of the project on a regular basis. The contingency planning reduces uncertainty by identifying the risks that can affect its ability to achieve the intended objectives, and developing solutions to control them as early in the project as possible.

At the end of the project, the After-Life Communication Plan will establish the dissemination and communication actions needed to be carried out after the end of the project in order to guarantee the continuation of the activity of Life AVIDCLIM project once the phase funded by the Commission is completed.

In the framework of networking activities with other projects, we will encourage sharing experiences and information between consortia which have been working on similar topics, in order to build an informal network with relevant Life projects and to find synergies through study visits and meetings.


Action leaders

Hervé Quénol

Hervé Quénol

Research Director of CNRS

Université de Rennes 2 – Laboratory LETG-Rennes-Costel

Marlène Melsay

Marlène Melsay

European LIFE project manager

Université de Rennes 2