The time has come to compile the results and publish the final deliverables, finalize dissemination and strengthen networking and team building.
The final meeting of the LIFE-ADVICLIM was held on 28 January 2020 at the Department of Agronomy of the University of Pamplona gathering the different action leaders, some researchers involved in the project, some members of the Advisory Board as well as a European Union Commissioner for LIFE projects. Each action leaders presented the corresponding action results to the participants, displaying the work progress before the final report issue. The finish line is nearly reached for some actions while it lies still at more or less distant horizons for others. A massive work was carried out and was gradually disseminated to the stakeholders.
Day 2 on 29 January 2020 was dedicated to a networking meeting hosted by the Department for Rural Development and Environment of the government of Navarra in Pamplona. Various LIFE projects, including ongoing and/or finished projects, conventional or integrated projects related to adaptation of viticulture to climate change were presented. Keeping in mind that the final objective of LIFE projects is research transfer to help policies making, feedback on the various experience was shared between different LIFE projects leaders and researchers involved in various Interreg and LIFE projects carried out in Navarra and Spain. It led in interesting discussions on how the different projects can contribute to policy making at different scales levels and how to encourage winegrowers to be part of the processes of policy making.
The day ended with the visit of two wine estates in La Rioja which collaborates with the Department of fruit production of the University of Navarra in the framework of the LIFE-Adviclim project.
Finally a technical day took place on 30 January 2020 at the Estación de Viticultura y Enología of Navarra (EVENA). The workshop gathered 100 winegrowers and stakeholders, which shows the interest of local actors in the research findings and the importance of the dissemination action. The research topic transferred to winegrowers included adaption tools (on vineyard management, plant material and cultivation practices – canopy management and irrigation). The day ended with a round table with local winegrowers and discussions on the importance to combine adaptation and sustainability.