Information transfer to the viticultural sector


Action B4 aims to influence the policies and practices of wine professionals

The objectives of this action are:

  • to transfer from “research and development” to application in the field,
  • to allow the project researchers and stakeholders to have access to a large set of project data (meteorological stations, satellite data, model outputs, carbon footprint results, etc…),
  • to respond to the needs of the stakeholders (viticultural sector, public organisations, political organisations …).

The VIDAC platform, developed by Ecoclimasol, will gather all the project data (from meteorological stations, satellites, model outputs, carbon footprint results, etc…). A user-friendly interface for the viticultural stakeholders involved in the project will allow them to visualise data collected in their fields, as well as other relevant data for their decision-making processes. Future climate scenarios and carbon footprint results will also be considered as possible modules to be added to promote the awareness of climate change issues.


Action leader

Chris Foss

Chris Foss



Head of Wine Departement
Plumpton College
